Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI



Stuesser - Fire Company

Richfield Homestead Family – Franz Josef Stuesser (1786-1867) came to America to 1842 from Riendenbach Germany. He was a very large land purchaser – 240 acres per the 1878 plat map. The children of Franz and his wife, Elizabeth, were: John Henry, Anna, Cornelius, Apollonia Maria, Charles and Joseph. Ed Stuesser, who shared these memories, was one of the great Eugene and Ella Stuessergreat-grandchildren of Franz and Elizabeth. Ed and his wife, Burdella (known to her friends as Burpy) lived on E. Pleasant Hill Road. They have both passed away.

When Ed was around the age of 14, he spent time playing such games as “Hooks and Ladder” with neighboring firemen. At that time, Herman Wolf told Ed he could join the Fire Company, Stuesser Homesteadbut he could not drive the truck until he had a license. Ed turned 16 and during the next summer, the Annual Fire Company meeting was held. Ed went to the old fire house and noticed the 1927 Studebaker truck was parked by the sidewalk. Herman mentioned to Ed that Tony Theissen wanted to donate beer for the meeting. He directed Ed to go down the hill to the tavern and get the beer. This was the very first time Ed ever Ed Stuesser driving Fire Truck in a Paradedrove a fire truck! The Fire Company also used another 1935 Chevy truck at that time.

Photos: Eugene & Ella Stuesser (Ed’s parents); Stuesser Homestead; Richfield Firemen driving in a parade (Eugene Stuesser - Red Circle, Ed Stuesser driving – Blue Circle).


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